Philter Logo

A PHP fluent input sanitiser.

Philter accepts untrusted input, passes it through some filters and returns it back to you. It is not a substitution for validation.


Copy the src/Philter.php file to your project, or install using composer:

composer require indgy/philter

Getting started

Create a new Philter instance passing in the untrusted input, then combine filters for the untrusted input to pass through and finally call toBool(), toFloat(), toInt() or toString() to get the filtered and now trusted input.

use \Indgy\Philter;

$f = new Philter($unsafe_input);
$str = $f->in(['safe','string','options'])

There is also a handy shortcut function to return a new Philter instance:

use function \Indgy\philter;

$str = philter($unsafe_input)
    ->in(['safe', 'string', 'options'])

Available filters

allow(String $chars) - Allow only the characters in \$chars

alpha() - Allow only a-z

alphanum() - Allow only a-z and 0-9

ascii() - Allow only ASCII chars (32-127), transliterating where possible

between(Int $min, Int $max) - Allow values between min and max inclusive

contains(String $match) - Allow values containing \$match

cut(Int $length) - Cut string to \$length

digits() - Allow only 0-9

in(Array $items) - Allow if in \$items

max(Int $max) - Allow only if less than or equal to \$max

min(Int $min) - Allow only if greater than or equal to \$min

numeric() - Allow only if numeric, e.g. currency string

trim() - Trim characters from beginning and end (see also ltrim() and rtrim())

utf8() - Convert to UTF-8 transliterating where possible

Refer to the Reference for more detail on the filters.

Custom filters

Define custom filters using the apply() method with a closure. The closure will be passed the current input value and expects it, or null to be returned.

philter('Here we go.. ')->apply(function($v) {

    // always skip filtering if $value is null
    if (is_null($v)) return $v;

    // do your thing here
    $v = $v.=  'I was philtered';

    // always return $v or null if it does not pass your filter criteria
    return $v;



Refer to the user guide or browse the API .