
Return methods

Philter will apply each filter and return the required scalar type by calling the to*() methods, call one of these methods after you have specified your filters:


"123.456" = philter(123.456)->toString();


123 = philter("123.456")->toInt();


123.456 === philter("123.456")->toFloat();

toFloat() also accepts a decimal precision:

123.46 === philter("123.456789")->toFloat(2);


true === philter("1")->toBool();

Reusing filters

The input is never modified so it is possible to reuse filters, add new filters and return different types:

$filter = philter("1")->digits(); 

"1" === $filter->numeric()->toString();
true === $filter->toBool();

Returning a default value

If the input does not pass through a filter, a null value will be returned to the to*() method. Use the default() method to specify a default value to return;

50 = philter("abc")->digits()->default(50)->toInt(); 

String filters

The following filters accept any string or numeric input.


Removes any characters that are not in the allow list, pass the allowed characters as a regex:

"abccc" = philter("abcccdef")->allow("a-c")->toString();


Replaces any non ASCII characters with a non accented approximation:

"creme brulee" = philter("crème brûlée")->ascii()->toString();


Removes any non alphabetical characters:

"abc" = philter("abc 123")->alpha()->toString();

Pass in additional allowed characters as the first argument:

"abc 2" = philter("abc 123")->alpha("2\s")->toString();


Removes any non alpha-numeric characters:

"abc123" = philter("abc-123")->alphanum()->toString();

Pass in additional allowed characters as the first argument:

"abc-123" = philter("abc-1,2,3")->alpha("-")->toString();


Checks that the variable contains the string in \$match:

"This will pass" = philter("This will pass")->contains("this")->toString();

By default this is not case sensitive, pass a Boolean true to match case:

null = philter("This will not pass")->contains("this", true)->toString();


Shortens the length to \$len characters

$str = "This string is probably too long to be a title and will probably break the designers page layout";
"This string is" = philter($str)->cut(15)->trim()->toString();


A stricter version of numeric, this removes any non numeric characters allowing only 0-9 and decimal point:

123 = philter("abc-123.456")->digits()->toInt();
123.456 = philter("abc-123.456")->digits()->toFloat();
"123.456" = philter("abc-123.456")->digits()->toString();

Pass in additional allowed characters as the first argument:

"+15556677" = philter("+1 555 6677")->digits("+\s")->toString();


Ensures the input matches a value contained in the array:

"date" = philter("date")->in(["id","date","status"])->toString();

By default this is not case sensitive, pass a Boolean true to match case:

null = philter("date")->in(["Id","Date","Status"], true)->toString();

Use default() to return a default value if not matched:

"date" = philter("price")->in(["id","date","status"])->default("date")->toString();


Removes any non numeric characters allowing common number markup such as + or - decimal points, commas, brackets and spaces:

"+(1) 555 4567" = philter("+(1) 555 4567")->numeric()->toString();

Pass in additional allowed characters as the first argument:

"+(1) 555-4567" = philter("+1 555-6677")->numeric("-")->toString();


See also ltrim() and rtrim()

Trims the leading and trailing characters from the variable:

"abcdef" = philter("  abcdef  ")->trim()->toString();

Pass in the character to trim as the first argument:

"abcdef" = philter("/abcdef/")->trim("/")->toString();


Converts the input into valid UTF-8 transliterating any invalid characters:

"abcdéf" = philter("abcdéf")->uft8()->toString();

Optionally ignore any invalid characters, these will be removed:

"abcdéf" = philter("abcdéf")->uft8($ignore=true)->toString();

Numeric filters

The following filters expect the input to be numeric.


Ensures the input is a value between \$min and \$max

45 = philter("45")->between(1, 100)->toInt();


Ensures the input is no less than the value of \$min

15 = philter("15")->min(10)->toInt();


Ensures the input is no greater than the value of \$max

95 = philter("95")->max(100)->toInt();

HTML filters

The following filters handle HTML filtering.


Removes all HTML:

"Hello world!" = philter("<h1>Hello world!</h1>")->stripHtml()->toString();


Removes the majority of HTML tags and javascript leaving the basic tags:

"<h1>Hello world!</h1>" = philter("<h1>Hello world!</h1><script>doSomething():</script>")->stripHtml()->toString();


Removes all attributes from HTML tags:

"<h1>Hello world!</h1>" = philter("<h1 class='big red'>Hello world!</h1>")->stripAttributes()->toString();