Group By

The argument signature of the groupBy() method is the same as the orderBy() method.

The groupBy() method sets the GROUP BY clause:

// SELECT * FROM `movies` GROUP BY `movies`.`year`

You can group on multiple columns:

$query->table('movies')->groupBy('year, rating');
// SELECT * FROM `movies` GROUP BY `movies`.`year`

You can pass in an array of columns:

$query->table('movies')->groupBy(['year', 'rating']);
// SELECT * FROM `movies` GROUP BY `movies`.`year`

Specifying the direction

Passing a string:

$query->table('movies')->groupBy('year, rating desc');
// SELECT * FROM `movies` GROUP BY `movies`.`year`,`movies`.`rating` DESC

Passing an indexed array:

$query->table('movies')->groupBy(['year', 'rating desc']);
// SELECT * FROM `movies` GROUP BY `movies`.`year`,`movies`.`rating` DESC

Using an associative array:

$query->table('movies')->groupBy(['year'=>'asc', 'rating'=>'desc']);
// SELECT * FROM `movies` GROUP BY `movies`.`year`,`movies`.`rating` DESC